1894 was an exciting year in the literary history of London with the publication of the Jungle Book and the first issue of the Yellow Book (to say the least). That year also saw the first attempt at an international terrorist attack with the
botched bombing of the Royal Observatory. Luckily, street photography continues to be popular, thanks to
the wacky cameras that were increasingly available. I found many of these street photos in
the Descriptive Album of London, 1894, to which I've provided links to George Birch's detailed descriptions (very much worth reading).
Northumberland Ave South-east from Trafalgar Square (1894) |
Piccadilly Circus (1894) |
The White Drawing Room at Buckingham Palace, London (1894) |
Trade Union Banners (1894) |
The Opening of Tower Bridge – London, 30 June 1894. |
Princess Alix of Hesse-Darmstadt and
by Rhine & Tsarevich Nicholas Alexandrovich,
London, 1894 |
Ads at Charing Cross Station (1894). |
A hansom cab in London (1894). |
Fishermen's wives crying
The London Illustrated News, 28 July 1894. |
Opening of the Clarence Park Grand Stand (1894) |
Benz Velo (1894)
I'm not actually certain where this photo was taken,
but it was too cool to pass up! |
Peckham Rye Park (1894) |
For more, look at
Images of London in 1889,
1892, and
1893. I'm still working on more!
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